martes, 28 de abril de 2009


I guess what I be saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons

It's what we aim

to do,
our name is our virtue

But I won't hesitate no more, no more

It cannot wait,

.........................I'm yours ♥

sábado, 25 de abril de 2009

But i hate ...
you know
what to do
so that I
cant stay mad
at. you
for too long
that’s wrong.

Nadie me calma como tú y me doy cuenta que mi única verdad que odio amarte..tanto.

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2009

Empty spaces fill me up with holes ;
Distant faces with no place left to go;

Without you within me
I can't find no rest

Where I’m going is
anybody’s guess

I tried to go on like
I NEVER knew you

I’m awake but

my world is half asleep

I pray for this heart ♥ to be unbroken
But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete.

domingo, 12 de abril de 2009

She eyes me like
a pisces when
I am weak
I've been locked
inside your
heart-shaped box
for weeks
I've been drawn into
your magnet tar pit trap I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn back

HEY! wait - I've got a new complaint forever in debt to your priceless advice.

sábado, 11 de abril de 2009

I heard he promised you
But forevers come AND GO

Baby, he would say
whatever It takes
to keep you alive

Tell the truth between
the lines,

I will love you more than that
I wont say the words
Then take them back

Dont GIVE LONELIness a chance
baby listen to me when

I say I will love you more than that.

Twins ;

Remember when,
we never
needed each other
The best of
friends like
Sister and Brother
We understood,
we'd never be, Alone.

Those days are gone, and I want you SO MUCH-The night is long and I need your touch - Don't know what to say I NEVER MEANT to feel this way
Don't want to be Alone TONIGHT. ♥
Estoy herido, estoy
Voy en camila por el
Salaberry. Voy a tratar
de hacer conducta AQUI
PARA RAJAR antes que mis pulmones
Si va a pasar algo conmigo Quiero que sea en LIBERTAD allá afuera!
Y nada más! irme y nada más!

NO QUIERO ver más gruesa de llavero
Ni mirar la pared si el pasarela grita para tapar quejidos y lamentos Ya nunca más!

Y NUNCA ya voy a olvidarte, Pablo... NUNCA.

viernes, 10 de abril de 2009

One ;

Have YOU come here for forgiveness ?
Have you come to raise the dead ?
Have you come here to play jesus to the lepers in your HEAD?
Did I ask too much, more than a lot. You gave
me nothing, now it's all I got.
We're ONE, but we're not the SAME . Well, we hurt each other, then we DO IT AGAIN.